Our financial trading algorithms are built and tested on proper mathematics so we are relatively confident that they perform stable and consistent over longer periods of time. But you can never be 100% sure. Financial markets are inherently unpredictable.
Financial theory considers financial markets to be always efficient (meaning that all available information in the market has been included in the pricing) and indicates future asset pricing as a “random walk” (basically assuming it is unpredictable). Pricing on financial markets is influenced by many different factors which cannot be covered or forecasted in any type of algorithm.
But sometimes you get the feeling that our trading algorithms managed to predict a particular upswing extremely well. In this particular case, two of our bots managed to enter a position in the DOGE coin very early.
Both of these two trading algorithms are now exactly 1,5 month live and already above 400% return.
Both of these bots were expected to return between 150-200% per year based on their backtesting results. But sometimes they are lucky and can benefit from something that is happening in the market very efficiently. In this case they managed to pinpoint exactly the coin where the action was going to happen upfront.
Roy Lenders, Boosting Alpha
Boosting Alpha HODL-trading-Bots, HODL-trading-Bots, new per Feb/March 2021, see PS: 2.
PS: In the table Creator BOT-Names these Bots are typified as “Buy and Hold++” under ID: BA, because the Bots are far more then just “hold”.