Nowadays I am too busy to be able to follow the financial markets on an hourly basis and I have complete faith that our team and ICT infrastructure will handle anything out of the ordinary with no issues, but this week when I was looking in the App, I was suddenly confronted with a news item and a big smile appeared on my face.
Our trading bots basically populated all top 4 positions in the top 10 charts of that previous week. What you should know is that this specific week was very bad in the crypto markets, with declines of 10 to 30% for most coins. Of the top 100 coins, almost all of them declined big time. With one exception: CELR (Celer Network). Our HODL the Bottle top 35 and top 40 series managed to allocate most of their capital to this coin. These bots are slow trading bots, they only make a decision once every 2 weeks. But they use some proprietary algorithms to try to predict which coins are going to perform best for the next 2 weeks. And they managed to pick exactly the correct coin. In the past 12 months that they have been active, they already managed to do this trick a couple of times really well. Really proud of this.
Number 3 and number 4 are also from us by the way. Dagobert Buck and The Noogieman are different brands that also belong to our trading empire.
Roy Lenders, Boosting Alpha
Admin PS: Boosting Alpha (BA) created the first Bots on the RevenYOU BOTS platform and currently have 5™ trade marks. Boosting Alpha, The Noogieman (TN) and Team Dakar (TD) are USDT basecoin bots. Dagobert Buck (DB) are Bitcoin (BTC) basecoin bots only. Currently no more than about 15 bots per brand. Illuminati (II, the latest) is a compilation of all kinds of new generation algorithms, USDT basecoin bots.
Hallo Roy,
Ik hoop dat Roar ook wat vaker de juiste keuze maakt want die is meestal uit positie, ook als er zich kansen voordoen zoals bij Celer.
Martin Bakker
Roar is tot op heden onze best presterende bot. Hij is wel selectief inderdaad, maar dat is hij ook op gebouwd. Hij is niet gebouwd om heel erg veel te handelen. Daar hebben we andere bots voor.
Beste Roy,
Leg me aub uit waarom jullie verschillende Trade Marks hebben?
Ik ben certificaathouder en Bot user van het eerste uur.
Mijn enige wens is: Bots die goed renderen. Ik hoor van je.
Simpel, omdat we veel verschillende bots hebben en je dan voor de gebruikers teveel bots van hetzelfde merk hebt en tevens op meerdere platformen actief zijn, zowel B2B als B2B platformen.
En we daarin dus willen diversifieren. Wij willen lekker in de backbone aan de achterkant blijven zodat we focus houden op dat wat we leuk vinden en niet al te veel andere sores om ons heen krijgen.