Boosting Alpha (BA) trading-Bots performance April/May 2022

Boosting Alpha (BA) trading-Bots performance April-May 2022.

Boosting Alpha logo

Here are the results over April and May 2022 combined. Unfortunately last month was too busy to generate the April results so hence here is April and May combined.

Both months together obviously were very Bear market months where Bitcoin dived with 35% and most other coins dived with 40-70%. The average decline in our trading bots over both months combined was 13,64% in crypto terms and 16,36% in EUR terms. There is a difference because some bots have BTC as the basecoin so for them it is obvious that they decline more than bots with USDT as basecoin.

We are currently revamping / finetuning both Relativity Theory bots specifically for the BOTS platform. Both trading bots were originally built for our own trading platform, there they will remain as they are since they are already optimized for that platform. However, for the BOTS platform they need further optimizing. Let’s hope the market finds the bottom now and that the future trend is up again.

I know BOTS is working also on introducing the possibility for Shorts. When that capability becomes available, we can put the Short transactions live as well. At the moment our trading bots make a very low number of trades given the current market.

Roy Lenders, Boosting Alpha.

Find ID “BA” (DB, II, TD, TN )  in Bots Creators Names and Selection & Spreading.

To The Moon (TT) trading-Bots performance per May 2022

To The Moon (TT) trading-Bots performance per May 2022

Team To The Moon (TT)

Again we’ve suffered a very tough month. Bitcoin dropped about 15.5% and Ethereum dropped about 28.8%. Furthermore, we all heard the story about LUNA (-99.99%).

Our LNV bots unfortunately made some attempts to enter the market when it looked like the market was recovering. Bots that were exposed to ETH were hit the most this month. Bots from the “Mama”-series will be fully exposed in a long lasting downtrend, because these series use some sort of a DCA strategy and will only (slowly) exit the market on the way up. These bots (and BTC based bots) will immediately gain good returns in better months in cryptoland.
LNV.BuyAnotherDay managed to gain a small profit (1.2%) during this horrible month.

Let’s hope the other bots will follow next month.

Team To The Moon (TT).

Find ID “TT” in Bots Creators Names and Selection & Spreading.

Team Kronos (KS) trading-Bots performance per May 2022

Kronos logo

May was the month of the crash of Terra (LUNA) and TerraUSD (UST). None of our bots do something with Terra or TerraUSD. However, also the other coins went down because of the crash: BTC -15.45%, and ETH -28.77%.

Most of our bots could limit the damage, a few did not, and a few made a nice profit anyway.
Interesting to mention that our most defensive bot Gaia made a move. She bought BTC and sold it a few days later, making a small profit of 0.04% (this is after deducting 0.25% transaction costs).

PDF:  Kronos performance May 2022.

Team Kronos.

Find ID “KS” in Bots Creators Names and Selection & Spreading.



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