The www.Bots.Institute-website (since 14 Nov. 2020) is developed and maintained by enthusiastic users 1 Bots Institute a non-profit organisation
The Google Adsense advertising is the only compensation the contributors and the owner of this site may get. The exploitation includes registration, content creation and hosting of “”. Clicking an add, may under some conditions, result in a small commission. All and every income thus generated will be used to sponsor the exploitation of this website.
This website, contributors and the owner have no connection with Google, other than the Google Adsense associates program.
Thank you in advance for any indirect contribution..
Started in November 2020 with the idea that this trading RevenYOU-BOTS-platform 2About BOTS
BOTS is an app that serves as a platform for connecting Algorithmic Traders with capital and enabling retail investors to use automated trading strategies. Our unique product makes it possible for mom and pop investors to trade like a pro, whilst providing Quants with funds to run their algorithms. will become big. The audience will be broad, from novice to experienced in trading, young and old. The intention of this site is to give you unique knowledge, information, suggestions and data that will help you, as a BOTS-user. To decide what are the best Bots for you and give inside information relevant to your choices. The aim is also to duplicate as little as possible info from the App or the website.
Questions, suggestions and remarks are most welcome. If you want to get in touch with us give us a shout and fill in the form on the Contact page.
- Mikko Co-author Kalakukko.
- Yves Co-author Noidea.
- S~ BOTS Moderator, BOTS-comparison Dashboard.
- Tom Bots-comparison Dashboard.
- Piet Author, Founder.
The original RevenYOU
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