One month in the live of a Bot: “At the top”, 1st period

One month in the live of a Bot is short, too short to judge the profitability of a bot. Three months should be regarded as a  minimum period. See Tip#1 and Criteria to stop.

This is the first month-period.
One of the most important aspects of a bot is to outperform the market. Meaning to step out when the coin course, i.e. price, gets lower. So as to be able to gain, in this example Bitcoin (BTC), get more Bitcoins (based on USDT, displayed in €).

One month in the live of a Bot: At the top

I stepped in (=started) on 12 October (avail 22 July). Normally it can take hours or day’s before your money is used in a (new) position. First the fee of 0.2% gets subtracted from the amount of money you put into the bot.

TradingView BTC 12 Okt/11 Nov 2021
TradingView BTC 12 Oct/11 Nov 2021

Then the bot starts trading.

One month in the live of a Bot: At the top

This is in case of a Trading Class 1, 2 or 3 bot, such as this one. For Hodl, Class A, B bots this can be very different scenarios.

From the bot description: At the top by Bloqtec (BL)

BOT style
“Trend Trading: This bot is constantly focused on the market, looking for a new trend. When it found a trend, it gets in and gets out as soon as the trend stops.”

Techies description
“The bot uses candlesticks to determine an entry level. In winning positions profit is taken at multiple times to secure the earnings. A stop loss is used in this bot at the entry. The bot searches in real time for the right entry moment based on hourly candles.”

One month in the live of a Bot: At the top
One week, Bot: At the top
One month in the live of a Bot: At the top
One day, Bot: At the top

In this one month period on the graphs, I stepped in with a rate of  Bitcoin $56,000 on 12 October and stepped,  fictitious, out with $67,000, on 11 November 2021. A gain of $ 11,000 being almost 20% BTC market increase.

The €uro-gain of the bot was 40% in this month period. Meaning that the bot almost doubled the profit1The bot-graphs are all in  €uro whereas the TradingView Bitcoin-graphs are in $, USD. The relative gain is taken into account. . This is an interesting observation and is positive towards future yield by this bot. We will be watching this one.

Remember, this is not a financial advise. Performance results in the past are not representative nor a guarantee for future positive results.

Piet, BI.

For context see: the Tables-Quadrant 


  • 1
    The bot-graphs are all in  €uro whereas the TradingView Bitcoin-graphs are in $, USD. The relative gain is taken into account.

Boosting Alpha trading-Bots performance per October 2021

Boosting Alpha trading-Bots performance per October 2021

Boosting Alpha logo

October was a good month for all of the 53 Boosting Alpha related bots (with the brands Boosting Alpha, The Noogieman, Dagobert Buck, Illuminati, Team Dakar. The average return across all bots in October was 11,5% in Euros and 6% in the crypto basecoin (whether it is USDT, BTC, ETH or BNB).

All of our Dagobert Buck bots (all trading bots based on basecoin BTC) are in the higher regions of the performance list in the range of 18 to 40% of monthly performance in terms of Euro values. But also some of the USDT-based bots are in the range of +20% monthly return.

Shortly we will introduce about 15 new trading bots which are based on our new Einstein Relativity Theory series. Some of them based on USDT, BTC and BNB as the basecoins.

The average 30-day return across all of our trading bots (since the initial start date of each bot, for some of them now 1,5 years ago) is now at 4,11% per 30 days, measured in terms of the basecoin. I guess most asset classes, hedge fund managers and pension funds would be jealous on that type of performance.

Roy Lenders, Boosting Alpha


See : Boosting Alpha introducing BTC/BNB based Bots.

Laika and the Quants (LQ) trading-Bots performance per October 2021

Laika and the Quants (LQ) trading-Bots performance per October 2021

Laika and the Quants (LQ)

October has been a very profitable month for LAIKA’s trading bots, with an average yield of over 20%, and one bot achieving a 94.1% return rate.

Above, the October overview from the BOTS by RevenYOU platform is presented, including some statistics about the individual bot performances.

Currently we are focusing on the development of new bots, but the current bots are still available for new investors.

Laika and the Quants bots team (LQ).


Popularity Poll: Bots Top-15, Q2/Q3-2021, 505 ratings by 152 users

This is the fourth post about bot “popularity”. It is getting a ever increasing long list. For now we have to stick to this long list of Bots and the Creators.
The approach for this poll has been reconsidered and does not specifically take into account the Risk Classifications (RC).

Unfortunately the RC is regarded of little practical use. One important reason being the fact that the RC is dynamic and can change over time, any time. It is an indication that requires some moths of in production. It is not a Bot Creator property but a RevenYOU dynamic risk indicator. So far there are no Bots available in the 3rd RC, Low (1-4) category.

We recommend to use this Poll-list in conjunction with How Crash-proof are Bots Creators bots poll, to judge your potential selected bots. And yes, it is a long list of BOTS-Names and ever growing. This means that you require additional selection and spreading criteria.
At this point in time,  that is after the 19 May 2021  BitcoinBitcoin crash, we can draw conclusions, not only about the Bot popularity and how the bots are valued by the investors, but also about the Bot Creator reputation.

Popularity Polls Bots Top-15 of 505 recorded votes by 152 voters 28 on August 2021
Popularity Polls Bots Top-15 of 505 recorded votes by 152 voters on 28  August 2021.

The Top-15 Bots by 5 BOTS-Creators:

7 x (AB) Agga Team Bots,
2 x (BA) Boosting Alpha, 1 x (TN) The Noogieman™,
2 x (DE) Dembots,
2 x (AT) Altrady,
1 x (TT) Team To The Moon.

Compared to the previous post  Popularity Poll: Bots Top-15, Q2-2021, 350 ratings by 100 users  the Bot Creator share has slightly changed.
In total the 7  Bots out of the Bots Top 15, Agga Team Bots are in favour of our voters, both older but mostly relatively new Bots.
We have extended the Top-15 Bot Creators with the 15 most popular, out of the 40 year to date, publishers.

These 15 Bot Creators are responsible for 446  of the 505 recorded votes in this poll.
The graph below shows the Bots distribution over the Top 15 Bot Creator ranking.

2021-08-29-Poll-Q2/Q3-2021-28 August
2021-08-29-Poll-Q2/Q3-2021-28 August.

Interesting to notice that the recently new series HODL the bottle top the “HODL the bottle top 35” and – 40  (Top 3 to 40) by Boosting Alpha,  now hold the 3th and 4th position whereas the 1st and 2nd position are now in Agga hands.

2021-08-29-Poll List Q2/Q3-2021-28 August
2021-08-29-Poll List Q2/Q3-2021-28 August.

Dembots (DE) (aka (DT)) almost share their position with Altrady (AT) at Bots level.
Track This Out (TO) is out of the Top 5 and switched their position with Team To The Moon (TT). As you see still TT comfortable in the Top 15 that is closed by (AA).


For context see: the Tables-Quadrant

Thanks on behalf of all readers.
The BI-Team.



My, your BI-Administrator, first BOTS-year. The score.

In the course of 2018, I started following RevenYOU Bots development as being a interesting start-up initiative.

I had a old MultiBit wallet client for Bitcoin and withdrew most of that in August 2020 through Bitvavo. I had earned those Bitcoins from gaming and mining around 2011 onward. I did the mining on (closed down in 2020). This resulted in a few hundred Euro’s at $9000 per Bitcoin.

How could it be otherwise that “The Big Friendly” BOT was one of my first purchases. Not a real bot. Bought from the “old” Bitcoins. That worked out well. No hassle with crypto-wallets but a friendly bot interface. Of course, I was concerned with “real” bots, acting like a personal-asset manager, but with the convenience of the BOTS-Platform.

As I have a progressive visibility problem, not yet a handicap but still, for this reason I did not previously have a smartphone to install the BOTS-App. It’s all just too small for me. Until I realized that visualization, mostly used for games, could be the solution. Actually in the ’70 and ’80 of the previous century, the VM, Virtual Machine, operating system was my first Main Frame experience. So really nothing new.

There is a different way to run the BOTS-App by using Visualization on a PC or Laptop with Windows or iOS on a large screen. You need however a smart phone with a telephone number to initially install the App. After that you can run the BOTS-App on your PC or Laptop with Windows, iOS on MAC. This is why I started late using Bots. Late, being in August 2020. At that time the Bitcoin Bitcoin valued under $12k.

My strategy was simple, buy a number of the most promising bots and see how the perform.  When underperforming, switch to a more promising Bot. In most cases I give it 3 months to 6 months maximum. The exception are my HODL Bots. These Bots are for the long term or for DIY, “do it yourself” trading. The latter is a easy way to trade crypto-coins on the same platform.
If you not go for the max, like me, but for more safety and stability, better hold on for a longer period or do not switch at all.

Most bots have USDT (Tether) as Basecoin and some have BTC (Bitcoin), ETH (Etherium) or BNB (Binance Coin) as there Basecoin. Something to be aware of as we learn later.

Unfortunately I soon found out that the Risk Classification (RC) is of little practical use. One important reason being the fact that the RC is dynamic and can change over time, any time. It is an indication that requires some moths of in production. It is not a Bot Creator property but a RevenYOU dynamic risk indicator.

My 3 months of lessons learned triggered me to create the Bots Institute website, the site you are now looking at. One of the most important tips and being the first tip, is number 1. I kept every bot for at least 3 months.
Tip # 1: Bots are not meant to be traded.
This in combination with Footnote 1: The Power of Compounding.

However after one year and one quarter of Bots (Bots Popularity Poll, Q2/Q3-2021 ) and my first year, we all now have more experience. In particular after the serious crypto-marked crash, this approach advice, of not trading with bots, must be relaxed.

The drawback of not trading with bots is that you also increase the risk. By reinvesting your earnings, you can multiply your profits, but you can also lose part or almost everything, your profit and investment quite suddenly.

Many Bots have a problem to timely step out of a coin position (How crash-proof are Bot Creators Bots Poll ). In some cases the yield that a trade makes in combination with a possible loss, accumulated with transaction cost, make it into a loss. This can be so severe that hundreds of percents gain can be transformed into tens percents of loss. Then your buying moment, step-in timing, become crucial!
To prevent this from happening you will have to trade with these specific bots. Not at a daily basis but at least regularly.

In my first year into bots investments I started a total of 34 bots in the first half year. During that first half year I stopped 12 under performing (in my opinion) bots and switched the money to other bots. Currently I run 22 bots and upgraded 2 of them.
In the period August, September, October 2020 there was little coin development, up and down around zero, some gain some losses. Then from mid October the crypto markets grow until quarter-1, 2021. February, March, April beginning May the Bitcoin was around from $45k to $63k. During the 2021 May 19 crash-period I did not change anything in my portfolio (a luxury that I can afford) other than buying some new bots after the 19 May crash.

All of these new bots show deep red (see the picture below) and did not profit after the crash. A number of new Agga bots I started in March/April of 2021, lost part of their yield but all show positive results even after the crash end the horizontal marked development in June and July 2021. A development that also shows in the related Poll (How crash-proof are Bot Creators Bots Poll).

I had the luck to have some Bots trading in BNB and a BNB-Basecoin bot before February 2021. Most of my bots where started before January 2021, with Bitcoin under $30.

My first BOTS year: the score.
BI-Administrator, 1st BOTS-year: point in time ups and downs impression.

At the top of my portfolio, beginning of May 2021, my investment yielded over +400%, including one BNB based bot with upto 2700% gain. The worst case was around 20 July 2021 when my portfolio was down to just +220%. During the first half year the sky was the limit, and not very realistic.

I must admit this is not my pension income. For me this is more a hobby than anything else. As a sport I go for the max and not for the low risk. The first Bots-year, Year To Date (YTD) revenue on 1st of  August 2021 is: +240% in €euro, including four (recently started, 2 in test) negative Bots.
Not bad at all to say the least. Just compare my savings income and the taxes due.

For genuine inverters please start with Purchase Checklist number 1. To sleep well the question is: what amount of money can you afford and feel comfortable to lose?

I think I am relatively active as shown by the numbers of transaction above.
Although we see far too many problems in the BOTS-Discord bug-reports, I have not experienced any problem my self and was always able to buy and sell bots when I wanted to.
Please read this as a disclaimer.  Also see the new Bot Creator Appreciation Score.

Note that it is not yet a full year, we have some weeks to go. However I wanted to publish this post during this month.

Piet, your BI-Admin.

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