Here is the overview of all Boosting Alpha related trading bots for the September-October timeframe.
On average the bots increased with 1,74% in crypto terms and 3,81% in EUR terms. Some of our HODL bots are among the top winners over this period. Compared to Jan 1, 2022 however, there is still a decline of close to 20% on average.
So let’s hope November and December 2022 can close this gap a bit.
Overall a good month, after very bad months in H1 2022. Has the market now reached the bottom? Most of our trading algorithms dared to get into the market again.
In July 2022 they managed on average to get a profit of 4,66% in their basecoin and 6,52% in Euro. Top scorers were Go2Moon (67% profit), Small Coins 2 (28% profit), Bob6 (26% profit) and HODL top 3 (24% profit).
Now, of our 61 trading bots in total, already 14 of them are in profit compared to January 1, 2022. So if we have 1 or 2 good months again, I hope the majority of our trading algorithms have already recovered from the bad period of H1 2022.
Update over the month of June from the Boosting Alpha team (brands Boosting Alpha, The Noogieman, Dagobert Buck, Team Dakar, Illuminati).
The month of June was again a bear month in the crypto market. While some trading bots managed to achieve a positive performance in June (in basecoin terms), the average decline was -4,27%. Since the month of June closed off the first half year of 2022, I also ranked the trading bots on their overall performance over the first 6 months of 2022.
And the BIG surprise- we had 6 trading bots which managed to achieve a positive performance over H1 2022 while we all know that the crypto market was very bearish in H1 2022.
Overall the average decline over H1 2022 across all of our trading bots was -17,79%, primarily caused by the rebalancing/HODL and some of the high-risk trading bots. Overall, across their lifetime, the average return across all of our trading bots is still +50,22% since the start of the individual trading bots.
In the top 10 list of the most popular trading bots on the BOTS platform, 9 trading bots out of the top 10 are owned by the Boosting Alpha team.
Thanks to all users for their continued confidence in our trading algorithms.
Here are the results over April and May 2022 combined. Unfortunately last month was too busy to generate the April results so hence here is April and May combined.
Both months together obviously were very Bear market months where Bitcoin dived with 35% and most other coins dived with 40-70%. The average decline in our trading bots over both months combined was 13,64% in crypto terms and 16,36% in EUR terms. There is a difference because some bots have BTC as the basecoin so for them it is obvious that they decline more than bots with USDT as basecoin.
We are currently revamping / finetuning both Relativity Theory bots specifically for the BOTS platform. Both trading bots were originally built for our own trading platform, there they will remain as they are since they are already optimized for that platform. However, for the BOTS platform they need further optimizing. Let’s hope the market finds the bottom now and that the future trend is up again.
I know BOTS is working also on introducing the possibility for Shorts. When that capability becomes available, we can put the Short transactions live as well. At the moment our trading bots make a very low number of trades given the current market.
At this time there are a total of 56Bot Creators, 8 of them under the Dematrading brand or trading mark™.
By now we can draw conclusions, not only about the Bots Popularity and how the bots are valued by the investors, but also about the Bot Creators reputation and popularity.
We recommended to use the Poll-list (multiple polls, under the Tips menu) in conjunction with your (potential) selected bots.
We have a long list of BOTS-Names per Creator. This means that you require additional selection and spreading criteria, found in this table. Use the performance graphs and figures from the BOTS-App to further determine your bots.
This post is limited to the first 15 Bot Creators with the highest score, by a total of 106 users. The Top 14 creators have from 29 to 3 points (See Bloqtec PS). However 15th position is a shared one between the last 5 Creators, they all have 2 votes. The remainder of the list, number 20 onward are not shown here, but all have one vote or none votes. These can be viewed in the actual poll page.
The number 1 and 2 are shared being Laika and the Quants (LQ), growing with 39 bots, currently the fastest grower.
It is interesting to see that the current number 1/2 is BEY Trading (BT), one of the latest Creators on the platform, now having 5 Bots (from 3).
Note the difference between the Bot Creators with regard to the number of Bots they produced.
Some Creators have 1, 2 or 3 bots, whereas the bigger ones, like e.g. the number 3, Boosting Alpha (BA), one of the older Creator, have 55 bots. This including related brands “The Noogieman” (TN), “Dagobert Buck” (DB), “Illuminati” (II) and “Team Dakar” (TD). Four of these trade marks are in the Top 15.
A substantial number of underperforming bots was withdrawn and removed from the platform during 4Q2021 and 1Q2022. This applies in particular to Agga Team Bots (AB) and Atmos (AM). Team Agga introduced a new trade mark named Bamboo (BO), now holding 8 bots.
Bloqtec (BL) was a different story, see the PS.
One should be aware that the poll is “open”. That means open to all investors, developers, Creators and what have you. This means room for manipulation when we have few voters.
There are currently a total of 206 recorded votes for this poll casted by 106 individual users.
Because we have a relatively low number of votes so far, only the Creators with a higher score should be considered with regard to popularity.
Note that in the BOTS-App the Creator name may have multiple representation. Example the name “Laika” has currently three different representations:
1) “Laika and the Quants”,
2) “Laika”,
3) “LAIKA” .
Something to be aware of when searching and comparing.
PS: The Bloqtec (BL) Creator has officially removed all bots and has withdrawn completely from the platform. For completeness and historical reasons the records remain in the tables of this site.