Popularity Poll: Bot Creators Top-15, with 100+ user-ratings

At this time there are a total of 56 Bot Creators, 8 of them under the Dematrading brand or trading mark™.

By now we can draw conclusions, not only about the Bots Popularity and how the bots are valued by the investors, but also about the Bot Creators reputation and popularity.
We recommended to use the Poll-list (multiple polls, under the Tips menu) in conjunction with your (potential) selected bots.
We have a long list of BOTS-Names per Creator. This means that you require additional selection and spreading criteria, found in this table. Use the performance graphs and figures from the BOTS-App to further determine your bots.

In the table Classification and typification of BOTS you find a quick overview of specific aspects of types of bots.

This post is limited to the first 15 Bot Creators with the highest score, by a total of 106 users. The Top 14 creators have from 29 to 3 points (See Bloqtec PS). However 15th position is a shared one between the last 5 Creators, they all have 2 votes. The remainder of the list, number 20 onward are not shown here, but all have one vote or none votes. These can be viewed in the actual poll page.

The most popular Bot Creator Poll (48+8=56). 2022-04-10

The number 1 and 2  are shared  being Laika and the Quants (LQ), growing with 39 bots, currently the fastest grower.
It is interesting to see that the current number 1/ 2 is BEY Trading (BT),  one of the latest Creators on the platform, now having 5 Bots (from 3).
Note the difference between the Bot Creators with regard to the number of Bots they produced.
Some Creators have 1, 2 or 3 bots, whereas the bigger ones, like e.g. the number 3, Boosting Alpha (BA), one of the older Creator, have  55 bots. This including related brands “The Noogieman” (TN), “Dagobert Buck” (DB), “Illuminati” (II) and “Team Dakar” (TD).  Four of these trade marks are in the Top 15.

A substantial number of underperforming bots was withdrawn and  removed  from the platform during 4Q2021 and 1Q2022.  This applies in particular to Agga Team Bots (AB) and Atmos (AM).  Team Agga introduced a new trade mark named Bamboo (BO), now holding 8 bots.
Bloqtec (BL) was a different story, see the PS.

One should be aware that the poll is “open”. That means open to all investors, developers, Creators and what have you. This means room for manipulation when we have few voters.
There are currently a total of 206 recorded votes for this poll casted by 106 individual users.
Because we have a relatively low number of votes so far, only the Creators with a higher score should be considered with regard to popularity.

For the latest and actual results always see the actual poll: Bot Creators Popularity and Bots Popularity.

Statement of caution

Note that in the BOTS-App the Creator name may have multiple representation.  Example the name “Laika” has currently three different representations:
1) “Laika and the Quants”,
2) “Laika”,
3) “LAIKA” .
Something to be aware of when searching and comparing.

Previous: The most popular Bot Creator Poll (48+8).
Note that the previous Popularity Poll: Bot Creators Top-15, with 77 user-ratings was dated 10 november 2021.
At that time we had a total of 46 Bot Creators, 7 of them under the Dematrading brand.

PS: The Bloqtec (BL) Creator has officially removed all bots and has withdrawn completely from the platform.  For completeness and historical reasons the records remain in the tables of this site.

For context see: the Tables-Quadrant 

Thanks for voting on behalf of all readers.
The BI-Team.

Popularity Poll: Bots Top-15, Q2/Q3-2021, 505 ratings by 152 users

This is the fourth post about bot “popularity”. It is getting a ever increasing long list. For now we have to stick to this long list of Bots and the Creators.
The approach for this poll has been reconsidered and does not specifically take into account the Risk Classifications (RC).

Unfortunately the RC is regarded of little practical use. One important reason being the fact that the RC is dynamic and can change over time, any time. It is an indication that requires some moths of in production. It is not a Bot Creator property but a RevenYOU dynamic risk indicator. So far there are no Bots available in the 3rd RC, Low (1-4) category.

We recommend to use this Poll-list in conjunction with How Crash-proof are Bots Creators bots poll, to judge your potential selected bots. And yes, it is a long list of BOTS-Names and ever growing. This means that you require additional selection and spreading criteria.
At this point in time,  that is after the 19 May 2021  BitcoinBitcoin crash, we can draw conclusions, not only about the Bot popularity and how the bots are valued by the investors, but also about the Bot Creator reputation.

Popularity Polls Bots Top-15 of 505 recorded votes by 152 voters 28 on August 2021
Popularity Polls Bots Top-15 of 505 recorded votes by 152 voters on 28  August 2021.

The Top-15 Bots by 5 BOTS-Creators:

7 x (AB) Agga Team Bots,
2 x (BA) Boosting Alpha, 1 x (TN) The Noogieman™,
2 x (DE) Dembots,
2 x (AT) Altrady,
1 x (TT) Team To The Moon.

Compared to the previous post  Popularity Poll: Bots Top-15, Q2-2021, 350 ratings by 100 users  the Bot Creator share has slightly changed.
In total the 7  Bots out of the Bots Top 15, Agga Team Bots are in favour of our voters, both older but mostly relatively new Bots.
We have extended the Top-15 Bot Creators with the 15 most popular, out of the 40 year to date, publishers.

These 15 Bot Creators are responsible for 446  of the 505 recorded votes in this poll.
The graph below shows the Bots distribution over the Top 15 Bot Creator ranking.

2021-08-29-Poll-Q2/Q3-2021-28 August
2021-08-29-Poll-Q2/Q3-2021-28 August.

Interesting to notice that the recently new series HODL the bottle top the “HODL the bottle top 35” and – 40  (Top 3 to 40) by Boosting Alpha,  now hold the 3th and 4th position whereas the 1st and 2nd position are now in Agga hands.

2021-08-29-Poll List Q2/Q3-2021-28 August
2021-08-29-Poll List Q2/Q3-2021-28 August.

Dembots (DE) (aka DemaTrading.ai (DT)) almost share their position with Altrady (AT) at Bots level.
Track This Out (TO) is out of the Top 5 and switched their position with Team To The Moon (TT). As you see still TT comfortable in the Top 15 that is closed by Atama.ai (AA).


For context see: the Tables-Quadrant

Thanks on behalf of all readers.
The BI-Team.



Profile: Dembots (DE), Bots Creator


The goal of Dembots is to offer people an alternative to spread risk. Not offering trade bots, but a bot that has a buy and hold strategy that automatically re-balances your portfolio for you.
I have a one person business, with years of forex- and crypto-trading experience. With both, manual and automated algorithms. I have a degree in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The current Dembots series is based on the idea of the S&P 500 and similar funds (roughly speaking). The bots buy the top coins (sorted on volume), keep them for a period of 2 weeks (currently). After that period it sells all the coins and re-buys them again, evenly divided. So if you for example start with 50 Euro in Bitcoin and 50 Euro in Ethereum, and this would grow to €55 in Bitcoin and €65 in Ethereum. The bot would sell both coins and then purchase them again for €60 each. This ensures you took a part of the profit you got from your Ethereum spike, and you never invest in one coin specifically. You invest in the general market, if the market raises, your investment raises. This could also be beneficial if a coin has dropped in price. The bot will increase the funds after re-balancing, and if the coin raises back to its old price you profit from that.

The technique utilized is based on machine learning, artificial Intelligence (AI), continuously optimized to, generate optimal risk on Return On Investment (ROI).  Most bots have a meaningful names like ‘Top10 Balance.bot’, “Top10 Balance2.bot”. “Top20 Balance.bot” and “Top30 Balance.bot”.
Currently all Dembots bots run on the RevenYOU-BOTS-platform.

Demian: “Previously I have developed algorithms.
Currently I am in the process of setting up a company where you can submit your trading strategy/algorithm and we will publish it for you. You do not need to have any experience. All you do is share your strategy and your bank account. Then we pay you a monthly fee for your part of the profit, that comes from the algorithm that you developed and supplied. We do the coding, serving, publishing, backtesting and strategy-optimization (including machine learning models).

⊗ Update 18 december 2020:
The latter service is now available on Dema trading.

DemBots will no longer develop bots under this name but continue the work with a larger team in the company DemaTrading.ai.




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