Classification and typification of BOTS is an interesting subject. In the blog post: Newcomer, Beginner approach to (RevenYOU) BOTS, it is described how to go about to purchase your first few Bots.
From experience we know that this is often the way the knowledge develops, based on growing interest end investments. You want to know more about Bots and Cryptocurrency-Markets, behavior and the impact to your yield and risc.
While building a growing Bots-portfolio more and more question popup and need to be answered.
This was the reason to create a new page: Classes, Types of BOTS on the Bots Institute website. Although the text starts with: “Quick overview… ” these are many complexities involved in selecting the best bot for your purpose. The “Classes and types” table is structured with a matrix, in such way that it tries to trigger your interest and directs you into the required information sources available on the BI-website.
In addition being structured it includes many links and some footnotes. In this way it is simply a matter of clicking the link of your keyword to get to the relevant information, and back into the table.

Classes and categories
At the highest level the Bots have been classified in two classes:
Trading Bots and Hodl Bots.
These two classes have there own very specific and distinguishing characteristics.
These two classes can be divided into categories as follows:
• Class: Trading: Category: 1, 2, 3.
• Class: Hodl: Category: A, B.
In the first table-matrix the most important five characteristics are listed the left side. Then, at the right site of the matrix, it shows the respective values for particular categories of bots. Notice the differences between the two classes but even more between the two Hodl categories.
The Dumbbots need special care. While, the so called, “genuine bots”, act as your personal portfolio manager, the Dumbbots do not. These bots just buy a cryptocoin at the start and hold the coin as long as you do not sale (=stop) the bot. Meaning it just follows the marked, up or down, high or low. That means that trading, or not, is your own responsibility.
For instance, with regard to the Basecoin the matrix value=”All” means all cryptocoins. In practice this is currently limited to BNB (Binance Coin),
BTC (Bitcoin),
ETH (Etherium),
USDT (Tether) and a single
UWC (Uwezocoin) bot.
Properties and Attributes matrix
The bottom part of the table contains the Properties and Attributes matrix.
In this second matrix the most noticeable properties and attributes are listed. This shows a diversity of values with very different implications and impact. All keywords and their value may, or may not or more or less, influence your decision to buy, keep or sell a bot in your portfolio.
As an example the Bot Creator (®, ™, Label), may deem highly important to some person while others couldn’t care less.
In particular the combination of Bots Popularity Polls and the Creator name is a key property for some (potential) investors.
To view the full table see page: Classes, Types of BOTS.
Remember on the page, click the link of keywords, properties or attributes, to get to the related information.