BTC and ETH made a small profit this month. The bots show a diverse picture. Some did much better than the benchmark, some not.
PDF: Kronos, February 2023 .
Team Kronos.
The virtual institute to help you to get the max out of the RevenYOU trading Bots.
ETH, Etherium
BTC and ETH made a small profit this month. The bots show a diverse picture. Some did much better than the benchmark, some not.
PDF: Kronos, February 2023 .
Team Kronos.
I whish you all a happy 2023.
Let’s hope that 2023 is the year of the crypto recovery.
BTC went down a little, ETH a little more.
Epaphus made a nice 5.58% profit by taking a position in BNB on December 17, It is still holding this position.
The frequent trade Bots were not able to make profits this month, except for Ballista. Below the results of December.
PDF: Kronos December 2022.
Team Kronos.
Find ID “KS” in Bots Creators Names and Selection & Spreading.
BTC is moving sort of sideways for a couple of months now. However, we’ve seen a gain of about 5.5% in October.
ETH gained over 18% last months which shows in our bots that trade in ETH. Also LNV.LicenceToThrill managed to make a good profit of 17.8% last month.
Unfortunately, LNV.BuyAnotherDay had a tough month (-11.9%) after a stunning September (+26%).
Team To The Moon (TT).
Find ID “TT” in Bots Creators Names and Selection & Spreading.
BTC went up a little, ETH went up a lot (18.06%). However, most of the time the market was very static, non-volatile. Compared to a year ago, the market is very static.
In such a market it is hard to make a series of moves to beat the benchmark. That’s why most bots do not make many moves or do not trade at all. If they make a move, there’s a chance they do not beat the benchmark (although most bots do make some profit).
Balbinus, Epaphus and Seleucus were able to beat the benchmark.
PDF: Kronos, October 2022.
Team Kronos.
Find ID “KS” in Bots Creators Names and Selection & Spreading.
August started quite well with a Bitcoin price that went from 23.000 USD to about 25.000. However, in a few days, the Bitcoin price fell back to about 19.500 USD.
Overall Bitcoin had quite a tough month (-13.9%) after the gains that were made in July. Our BTC based bots suffered the most by the drop of the Bitcoin price. Because some BTC based bots trade in ETH, which had a quite better month than BTC (-7.4%).
Mild.BBKing.b0t managed to make a profit of 7.6% in last month, which was quite a good job. Also, Most LNV bots stayed out of the market or managed to make a small profit.
Also Hot.BBKing.b0t, did a good job, because it generated that much BTC by trading in ETH, such that the loss was limited to -2.7% (in EUR).
Team To The Moon (TT).
Find ID “TT” in Bots Creators Names and Selection & Spreading.