Bots Institute Excel Spreadsheet with two sheets, by Thijs, contributor.
For most users the BOTS-App will satisfy the requirement of the smartphone user-interface. It shows the current total value, and the invested value and yield per BOT. Including a yield-diagram and the basecoin versus de Euro development.
If you are an advanced user this information may not be sufficiënt. If you are one of those peoples, you want to get more insight in the trends, yield in relation to the marked and the coins of your BOTS. This spreadsheet will offer a good starting point to manually monitor your ‘annualized return’ of your entire BOTS-portfolio.
Now with multiple language support. Most text instructions, from the Excel Spreadsheet, are now available on a browser page. You can use the site G-translate function at the right-top.
Sheet 1 stores data about your bots and can be used to track performance and rebalance across bots. It has a ‘Coin KPI’ (key performance indicator) to assess in what coins you are investing through your bots. This could help in balancing your portfolio.
Sheet 2 helps you calculate your ‘annualized return’ of your entire portfolio. Just enter your deposits and current value of your portfolio.

See the page BI EXCEL SPREADSHEET for detailed instructions in your language and to download the XLS-file.