Team Kronos (KS) trading-Bots performance per July 2022

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In July, the market was finally going up again. The big winner is Alcmene, because it beats the (BTC) benchmark big time. Most other bots have a good score as well, but not as good as the benchmark.

Although not great, there are always some periods that this is happening. In the long run you can see (at that most bots beat BTC, almost every year.

Gaia is one of the exceptions. This is a careful bot with the mission to make profits every year, also in bad years. This month Gaia did 0%, and in 2022 Gaia did 3% so far. For your reference, BTC did -49%.

The attached table does not show test bots anymore, because you cannot invest in them anyway. Three new bots have been added: Piso, Memor, and Macrinus.

PDF: Kronos-July_2022.

Team Kronos.

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