Blog (RSS-driven)update-mails from FeedBurner moved to Mailchimp service

FeedBurner is going into maintenance mode

Beginning in July, 2021, Google FeedBurner will go into maintenance mode. Existing feeds will continue to serve indefinitely.
However, some existing features, like email subscriptions and detailed analytics, will no longer be supported.

Blog (RSS-driven)update-mails moved to Mailchimp

Over the last weekend, 1st May. we have made changes to the Blog (RSS-driven)update-mails. We share blog updates on a daily basis, when there are new posts.
When you are subscribed on this service this will continue as usual.
Like before, to subscribe, we send double opt-in notifications to ensure that the request came from your email address.
Some of the registert subscribers have not acknowledged the subscription. During the transition from Google FeedBurner to Mailchimp we can not distinguish the difference of this states.

For this reason all registered users will get this post. If that is okay, you do not have to act. If  you want to unsubscribe you can use the link in the mail footer, to change your subscription.  Or sent a request using the Contact-form.

Mailchimp starts with a free service

Note that the Google FeedBurner was a free service,  and that the Mailchimp starts with a free service.

On our About page we have a footnote, number #1:

The Google Adsense advertising is the only compensation the contributors and the owner of this site may get. The exploitation includes registration, content creation and hosting of “”. Clicking an add, may under some conditions, result in a small commission. All and every income thus generated will be used to sponsor the exploitation of this website.

This website, contributors and the owner have no connection with Google, other than the Google Adsense associates program.

Thank you in advance for any indirect contribution.

The Bots Institute is a non-profit organisation, and we intent to keep it this way. Should the Blog (RSS-driven)update-mails become a overwhelming succes, than to overcome the cost increase. adding Ads could become a valid and feasible option. Just like the Ads on the website. At one end this may be annoying but from experience we know that it is sometimes very interesting and surprising. And then you know, it is for a good purpose.

The Bots Institute Team.


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