March 2022 was an excellent month again, after a couple of months with declining prices. The average increase for our bots was 14% in crypto and 16% in EUR. This means that our bots are almost back on the level of November 2021 again (the highest top of the market).
The performance issue was led by our HODL series which managed to pinpoint the correct assets that got the biggest increase. HODL top 40 managed to increase even with 110% in March 2022.
Of all of our 55 bots, only 4 managed to decline of which 2 BTC-based bots (that declined in BTC but increased in EUR). Our 2 new bots (Relativity Theory) declined but they only were introduced late in the month of March 2022.
From a long-term perspective, the crypto market looks to have found its bottom and the next few months might see more positive developments again.
Roy Lenders, Boosting Alpha.
Find ID “BA” (DB, II, TD, TN ) in Bots Creators Names and Selection & Spreading.