Our first Bots Top-10 in two Risk Classifications is dated 28 December 2020. The second was: Popularity Polls Bots Top-15, with over 200 user-ratings.
This is the third post about bots “popularity”.
The approach for these polls has been reconsidered. The most important reason for this is the Risk Classifications (RC).
The division in Risk Classifications is no longer used.
The reason is two fold:
- The Bots Risk Classification is dynamic and can change over time, dramatically. For the purpose of Polls the RC is just one of the many aspects to be considered.
So far there are no Bots available in the 3rd RC, Low (1-4) category. Due to these dynamics the value is limited. - How useful is the RC division for popularity ratings. Not only is the value limited, it is also under discussion with regard to cryptocurrency in general.
And yes, it is a long list of BOTS-Names and growing.
At this point in time we can draw conclusions about the Bot popularity and how the selected bots are valued by the investors. The investor may be you but new-comers in bots valuable the input even more.
On the poll-page users can indicate there experience and satisfaction with bots. The bot-strategy should be an important aspects, because this is important to all users. Aspects to take into consideration are: Overall performance, risk versus yield, stability vs volatility, Bots Creator score, availability (=to start) etc.
Do not forget that you can re-issue you votes at any time. In principle the “Poll” is always actual. This with exception of the archive or historic polls.

The Top-15 Bots by 5 BOTS-Creators:
7 x (AB) Agga Team Bots,
3 x (DE) Dembots,
2 x (BA) Boosting Alpha,
2 x (AT) Altrady,
1 x (TO) TTO, Track This Out.
Interesting to notice that the recently new series “HODL the bottle top 35” and – 40 by Boosting Alpha, hold the 1st and 2nd position.
In total the 7 out of 15 Agga Team Bots are in favour of our voters, both older but mostly relatively new Bots. Dembots (aka DemaTrading.ai ) also have a solid position.
Thanks on behalf of all readers.
The BI-Team.
Blog post: How crash-proof are Bots?